The Noob Team Rules Please Read

About Moderation

While we'd like to have everyone behaving properly all the time, in the real world, chances are it's not going to happen. The Noob Team is a moderated forum. While we try to do our best in eliminating problems that arise, moderators and staff cannot be everywhere and see everything. If you see something that is against the Board Rules, please send a private message it to the forum leaders that correspond to the section in question. The moderators have much more leverage on resolving distributes than registered users so don't try to act like a moderator. We will evaluate and handle every situation that is reported to us and we'll do our part by taking appropriate action where needed.

Account Suspension and Banishment

Your account may be suspended or banished from the The Noob Team message board depending on the circumstances.Your account will be suspended if the rule abuse is flagrant and repetitive. Most rule-breaking member accounts will be suspended within 30 days unless noted. Banishment from the forums comes thereafter.If you log onto the The Noob Team message boards and receive a message that you have been banned, please do not make any attempts to dispute your ban in public. Bypassing bans through the use of proxies will result in continuous permanent banishment.Moderators, super moderators, administrators and staff reserve the exclusive right to suspend or ban an account with a stated, logical reason, without prior notice.Following are the things that you should be aware of while posting at The Noob Team:

Copyrighted Material

The Noob Team users agree not to post any material that is protected by copyright, trademark or other proprietary right without the express permission of the owner(s) of said copyright, trademark or other proprietary right. This includes but is not limited to magazine, book and newspaper scans, television broadcasts and copyrighted photos, pictures, and other forms of media.

Flaming, Bashing, and Trolling

Hate posts, defamatory posts and personal attacks will not be tolerated on the The Noob Team. Treat others on these message boards as you would expect them to treat you. Talking negatively about another user or posting topics specifically to provoke a negative response from an individual, a group or an entire community is not acceptable on our message boards. These posts will be closed or deleted and may result in having the privilege of posting on the boards revoked.


Purposely spamming a message board with senseless, vacuous, or empty messages to take advantage of certain features is unacceptable. This includes such things as party posts, chain letters, two-word, three-word responses, continually posting the same topic on a particular board, posting the same question across several boards and using the Quote feature without contributing anything new to a thread.On a similar note, participating in repeated spam attacks on the The Noob Team board or planning a spam attack is unacceptable, and these actions will be reported to your ISP.

Impersonating Other Users / Accessing Another User's Account

You may not impersonate another board member or create an account specifically for the purpose of provoking other users. Additionally, impersonating staff members is also forbidden. Also, accessing or using someone else's account or attempting to access another poster's account is strictly prohibited. If you engage in this type of behavior, the account of use and the IP address using the account will be banned.

Off-Topic Posts

Things happen when you accidentally post in the wrong section. You probably won't get your account suspended or banned for an off-topic post, but try to post suitable subjects on each of the appropriate boards. You don't want to talk about supermodel in a section about books. C'mon, that's pretty obvious. Please read what the sections are about before posting just so you refrain from making posts that are off-topic.

Citing Sources

It is important that you cite your source for anything you copy and paste. The Noob Team does not encourage plagiarism in any way, and you will receive an infraction for not citing your source. The original creator spent his time and effort on whatever you’ve chosen to copy and paste onto the website, and giving him his due credits is necessary. Keep in mind, this goes for hacks, news articles, or anything you may post. If you are found renaming a hack or program in order to claim credits for yourself, you will be banned, no questions asked.